
You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. Likewise you can't make cocktails without opening a few bottles.

Starting a home bare can be a daunting and somewhat costly thing.
And where to start? How many bottles of what kind do you need?

Of course, the more different ingredients you have, the more different drinks and cocktails you can make.
But getting on of each kind might be a bit much.

Our what can you make feature is a great place to find out which and how many ingredients you need. Notice the number en parenthesis after the spirit or ingredient name? This is the number of recipes containing that particular ingredient.
As of writing the follow short list of spirits and other ingredients allow you to make 30 cocktails in our database.


  • Gin
  • Vodka
  • Rum (one light, one dark)
  • Vermouth (one dry, one sweet)
  • Bailey's Irish Cream
  • Kahlua
  • Tequila
  • Bitters (like Angostura)
  • Blended Scotch
  • Triple Sec (like Cointreau)
  • and a Brandy.

Other ingredients

  • Lemon and lime juice (and fruits for garnish)
  • Orange juice
  • Grenadie
  • Coffee
  • Milk
  • Soda water
  • and Simple syrup (sugar syrup)

With the above spirits and ingredients you'll be able to make the following 30 cocktails